How to Install and Configure Samba on Ubuntu 24.04

HOw to install samba on ubuntu

Samba is an open-source software package that enables a server based on Unix or Linux to work with clients across Windows and others. It brings the SMB/CIFS protocol1 implemented so it acts as a Linux file server, or domain controller.

In this guide, we will guide you to install and configure Samba on Ubuntu 224.04. Its versatility allows Linux systems to act as file servers, domain controllers, or even provide basic file-sharing functionality, making it indispensable in mixed OS environments.

Why Use Samba?

Samba is very important in creating a seamless file-sharing environment, especially in mixed-OS networks. It’s versatile, secure, and supports various features such as sharing files, printers, and authentication services.

1. Install Samba

1. Update your system

Update your system before installing Samba. Run below command to update your system.

apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

2. Install Samba

To install Samba, use the following command.

apt install samba -y

3. Verify Installation

Check if Samba is installed by verifying the installed version.

samba --version
samba version check

2. Configure Samba

Samba’s configuration file is located in /etc/samba/smb.conf. You can customize it by editing this file.

1. Edit configuration file

Edit Samba configuration file and add the lines given in next step.

vi /etc/samba/smb.conf

2. Setup shared directory

Add the following section at the end of the file and save your configuration file.

path = /path/to/shared/folder
browseable = yes
writable = yes
guest ok = no
read only = no

Replace /path/to/shared/folder with the folder path you want to share.

Note: If you have made any changes to the configuration file, you have to restart Samba service. 

3. Create a Shared directory

If the given folder in the configuration file doesn’t exist, you have to create it and want to apply proper permissions.

 mkdir -p /path/to/shared/folder
 chmod -R 775 /path/to/shared/folder

3. Start and Enable Samba service

1. Restart Samba

Once the changes are made, restart samba using the following command.

Systemctl restart smbd

2. Enable Samba to start on Reboot

Run the following command.

systemctl enable smbd

3. Check Samba Status

Ensure Samba is Running.

systemctl status smbd
samba status

4. Access the Samba

From Windows

-> Go to the This PC and right click on the empty space. From the drop down list, select Add a network location.
-> From the following dialogue box, click next.

samba accessing

-> Next you will prompt to Choose a custom network location. In this prompt box specify the IP and name of directory and click next.

accessing samba

Now you have successfully created the network location and then click on the Finish . Now your folder has been successfully shared with Windows.

From Linux

Use the following command to access the share from linux.

smbclient //server-ip-address/SharedFolder

Troubleshooting Samba

Check configuration Syntax

If Samba doesn’t run, check for any errors in your configurations.

samba troubleshooting

Check Logs

Review Samba logs for detailed error messages:

tail -f /var/log/samba/smbd.log


Samba is a powerful tool for creating cross-platform file sharing in mixed networks. By following this guide, you can set up and manage a secure Samba server on Ubuntu 24.04. With its flexibility and rich feature set, Samba makes collaboration easy and efficient. If you run into issues, don’t forget to check the logs and configuration for clues.

  1. SMB/CIFS protocol ↩︎
  2. Ubuntu Releases ↩︎

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